Niobe Vestholt

The Waters are to be your blessing and your downfall

Basic Information

NAME: Niobe VestholtAGE: 30GENDER: Nonbinary. She/ThemORIENTATION: Demisexual, open to Poly.RACE: Veena VieraBIRTHDAY: 21st Sun of the 2nd Astral MoonBIRTHPLACE: New Sharlayan (Presently Idyllshire)PROFESSION: Former Spoken Tribal Liaison. Owner of the Nymph's Elegy, a business with aspirations to become a Consortium.HAIR: Typically some shade of Blue.EYE COLOR: An Icey LilacHEIGHT: 6'2"FAMILY: Mother Deceased, Father UnknownSTATUS: SingleFOOD: Fond of sweets, but will eat almost anything if needed.DRINK: Spiked coffee on the regular, otherwise it depends on the situation.HOBBIES: People watching, de-escalating tensions, literature, swimming.HISTORY: Disclosed upon established trust.

Looks // Personality

APPEARANCE: Niobe exemplifies their natural inclination towards water even in their appearance. Their hair, more often than not, is some shade of blue. As of late, it can often be appear disheveled. This, combined with their near exhausted demeanor, shows that she typically spends wakeless hours in their assigned duties. A good phrase that suits them is "Tired eyes, always sighs"! Other than that, she is relatively well toned, especially in their legs. This is due to having a preference in her early days to travel exclusively by foot, and avoid teleportation altogether.OUTFITS: Niobe tends to lean in one of two directions with their choice of attire. Either she wears that which leaves for ease of movement, or aims for more business-like attire. Otherwise their attire is largely nonconforming. Only recently has she tried to shake up her choice of attire, with hopes of finding a new semblance of selfPERSONALITY: Niobe has always been a troublemaker at heart. From their time with the Conjurer's Guild to their employ as an Information Broker, and even as a Diplomat, their tongue has always been as sharp as can be. She typically plays quiet until she finds their opportunity to swoop in and get their choice words in. Otherwise, she does in fact sigh often. She is great at reading people and likes pressing buttons for fun! However if it appears she offends someone, she will double back and apologize promptly. Despite the rebellious nature, she is a compassionate soul who will do anything for the downtrodden.

Abilities // Inventory

ABILITIES: Niobe has gone through a long and agonizing journey to find exactly what it is that she is capable of. While she has a kick that could damn near demolish a boulder, she found she best excelled at Water-aspected magics. So much so to the point that so long as a source nearby has some modicum of aether, she can control it. She is still trying to perfect her craft, admittingly, but knows full well that she can become a Hydromancer of some repute, be it through healing or combative based magicks. However, she limits her use of personal reserves of aether, oddly enough. Teleporting more than three times in quick succession is enough to make her sick to her stomach.ECHO: Niobe has a talent for easing or stoking the emotions of Lesser Common. Namely, the Beastmen of Eorzea! In her time as a Diplomat for the Tribes, she would often find herself going into tempered territory and coming out wholly untouched, and has the capabilities to comprehend languages that would otherwise be unknown to her. That shortcut, however, does not keep her from learning the intricacies of any culture she may come into contact with.PERSONAL EFFECTS: Aside from the clothes on her back and her weapon of choice, Niobe keeps a sack attached to her hip with numerous pockets. The main storage holds bandages and anywhere from one to three changes of outfits. In a side storage, she has an assortment of phials that contain either aetherially charged pure water from Urth's Fount, or some curious alchemical concoction. Lastly, she often keeps a number of scrolls and journals close to her person so she can jot notes, observations, or passing thoughts down for later use.

RP Hooks

Elemental Magic Specialist: Niobe is a single-element specialist! Knowing others who share their abilities, even if an umbral or astral opposition, can help them perfect their craft and train even better!Information Gathering through People Watching: Niobe spends much of their time in areas that are quite populated, hoping to pick up bits and pieces of the going-ons in the locale.Story Chaser: Niobe loves a good story, whether the chapter has come to its conclusion, or the story is just beginning! She has a knack for leaping head-first into any situation if she smells a story brewing, even if it is likely to get them into serious trouble in the future. She loves the thought of finding new history in the making, or even uncovering that which may have been lost to us over our many lifetimes.Beast Tribe Diplomacy: Niobe has spent a decent chunk of their working career as a diplomat in attempts to help the Beast Tribes find the equality they deserve. This has both gained them some reputation as well as upset a number of people in the past. She knows she likely has upset others, and welcomes any who would share their mind.Lost & Fount: Niobe's choice locale to relax is any place that has a lofty body of water to soak in. The most optimal and calming of their choices is Urth's Fount. While it can be dangerous, the properties of the water help them with their Hydromancy to no end!Fine Wining: Niobe is.. Or can be... A bit quick to the bottle. While their choice of drink is a spiked Thavnairian Blend coffee, she likes both getting intoxicated and getting others intoxicated. After all, a clouded mind leads to loose tongues. Share a drink with them!Consortium Conundrums: With Niobe's shift in career(Or rather, loss of mainstay career), she has leaned into her knack for business, forming a small-scale business off the coattails of her reputation known as the Nymph's Elegy. With this company, she hopes to bring others up with her, and eventually form a merchant's network or even Consortium to rival that of Rowena!

OOC Information

Walk-up/Tell Friendly! 18+ Only!SERVER: Mateus / Crystal Data Center
TIMEZONE: PST (As of 10/24/2023)
LOOKING FOR: Mature, Long-Running Plots that have room to lead to Darker alleys. Romance RP if a strong enough bond is established.
AVAILABILITY: Typically Evenings, with Tuesdays and Wednesdays being totally free. There is room for this to change, and change it may.
OOC CHAT: Always happy to chat about plots, character development, and content when able! My Discord is NaviNiobe if you would like to reach out!
CLOSING NOTES: Hello! I would just like to preface this by saying that there are times when I can disassociate or hide in my shell. While my own mental state is no one's problem beyond my own, do not hesitate to poke me if you feel I may have missed your message, or if you would like to chat! I will never EVER turn anyone away for that. I have anxiety myself, and I wholly understand not wanting to bother people, but I assure you that it is never a bother to me. On a similar note, if anything I say rubs you the wrong way or offends you, please let me know! I still have much to learn, and am always looking for ways to improve myself. I do not want to hurt or make anyone uncomfortable, and will promptly nip that in the bud if brought to my attention, but there are times when I am wholly oblivious to it.

As with the oceans, it is time for us to part. Worry not, for this is not goodbye, just a changing of the tides.